Naale Money Maker Community

标题: 一个女人的来信 [打印本页]

作者: wo不再胡来L    时间: 2010-7-10 22:45
标题: 一个女人的来信
I am writing at this hour because of my status as a refugee in Dakar Senegal
( y9 `6 [) w2 ]3 ^/ wAnd I am an orphanage child since three years now as a result of the! b+ X& C% ^1 ~, ^. w, W! o: e0 L
assassination of my parents by rebel group which left me with no one
. _; v2 V! @0 _except me that survived by the help of Red cross team that brought me1 q' S) h0 p1 F3 K! @* l( I! d
to Senegal.
8 f+ ]% }! X) _) ?* T3 H
5 o, Y8 F* e7 I0 c9 _, K# hMy
1 C) ?8 [2 t8 k- W  \4 rlate father was the then personal adviser to the justice minister of my
4 _! k& x% s; S& x4 {$ fcountry sierra Leone that made him a well known man in my country. His. B! Q% \" _! G6 V! n
involvement in politics made him lost his life together with my mother.1 H% N  p$ M, v, |& W. v: C

9 [+ h% n" y0 I0 g$ `. w0 V; O
9 `8 f2 ]% K; J0 h2 [! |; e; XMy
0 b) b# W9 |; p7 X5 e) ?father deposited 5.5million us dollars in a Bank in London UK. and I9 y$ v+ u5 x+ T' @8 Q& [8 j
have written to the bank to claim the money as the next of kin because9 `" d( a" @3 P) i6 i8 r, @
of my deplorable condition in Senegal. The bank replied that due to my& c; L! ^( {7 z
under age of 22 years and refugee status that I am not qualified to; f3 l; t0 L! u
claim the money that I have to look for a reliable foreign partner to
0 y/ S. H% B" k$ F- y$ k6 Nclaim the funds in your name for me, that is the only condition the
3 Z& H  S' l8 p" Y) lbank gave me.0 m  }& c: W3 O% G7 u/ }/ q. ?  f
5 f5 r# t. W2 w3 C% G   
2 [  }: e* R# z  [2 f' V- d7 w: IAnd now I want to know if you are honest and reliable because if I lose
+ n$ v/ T6 d/ W$ ~" I3 J4 R6 Dthis money I will suffer all my life on earth and I will not finish my
. \: E) |. q) K: n$ Teducation. so be honest to me but if you will betray me please tell me,
" N8 }; ?0 [; S% j+ Pand I want you to treat this with the absolute confidence and hold it" H7 J& U0 v6 z9 ]+ T7 g/ F
to yourself without somebody knowing for my safety.
0 E- m9 Q: u6 ^If you are able and honest to help me please reply back so that I will give you the bank information for immediate contact.
2 C2 @# l5 B% z/ |- W
4 V  q- p/ B% g# ^& ^My  W9 n2 x. R3 o/ ]: h& F( i  B
name is Joy and my father's name Dr. David Thiara so let me know how
+ J' t% O) ~5 u7 Cyou will help me out of this plight. We are not allowed to own any$ v1 ~8 U6 @/ D8 d$ B( k, D8 [
property if not clothing,but you can call me with the Pastor's number9 ?+ S& }) H4 R. \6 A! ^
whom is in_charge of the Orphanage home here (Rev.Ruben James). His
) O0 y5 J8 @/ ?7 }+ X+ Y% uTel.number is....+221-764-764-281,his E-mail is ([email protected]) I1 A7 u2 ~/ Y( b- P! X+ b
do some typing for him in his office, so you can always call him and! v7 V: \# b: o2 R2 h
tell him you want to speak with Joy Thiara and he will send for me from
, b" J- v. e: j) O" pthe Hostel if i am not in his office.
# ~% N' ~. \0 S: o; a2 t
+ {! A  N5 z# [8 {+ KBank name: Standard Chartered Bank Plc& t* b, o5 {* j/ w7 m& F. M
Address: 01 Aldermanbury Square,London, EC2V 7SB,) o! W2 Q3 n) `# b
Email:........................ h: {3 Y: J% U$ ?5 a  {6 E
Tell:......................: i- H7 P' {5 u, r6 d: T) L

# J1 y" ^* X2 E' c, d! a4 P I
$ N) Z7 I6 ~5 i' Mwill give you the email ids of the bank's transfer department  and the/ {  s$ ~8 y, c" l$ ~: j; X; |
phone number if you promise me that you will not take the money all by) v: O/ g& I' f% _4 c
yourself and leave me here to die of hunger.
# X1 R4 ]8 E" S# N: F4 y$ j6 U! Q7 {. G) n
Orphan Joy.  ]7 U' w8 {: h) y+ [8 h& V4 Q

0 ]# B7 J* L, q7 J& e9 B有点看不懂,还给我发了一堆图片,照片
作者: admin    时间: 2010-7-10 22:59
我日.... 06年刚会用email就受到过这样的邮件了 直接拉黑 没啥好看的
- r0 R; o) n. i3 l  l+ r& E
8 r# d% a+ [7 Z$ M! B忽悠你的呗
作者: wo不再胡来L    时间: 2010-7-10 23:14
作者: aton0532    时间: 2010-7-11 12:01
( X0 y" R; z$ T: R5 q1 _0 Cwo不再胡来L 发表于 2010-7-10 23:14

; f- e3 @' ?) K& a5 i, l% f& H7 c6 c' N+ k+ ^* c
{:7_208:}  桃花运{:7_209:}
作者: kelly    时间: 2010-7-11 18:16
9 e! k- D2 y8 [wo不再胡来L 发表于 2010-7-10 23:14
! E% m2 C# a- \3 @5 S% t; Z/ _

7 U" ~" ]4 f; t- Q. S0 y你太天真了...3 {! U6 ^* W0 Q/ j. f
2 A! I3 K0 t) ]& H; h* F
我肯定那不是”她“ 而是”他“ 或者两性人{:4_100:}

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