
admin 发表于 2008-4-21 20:15



前1000个网站使用该网银将送5刀 :lol

刚和一个站长聊天他推荐我的 .....

我也没去注册就发到灌水区 有兴趣的朋友去看看

Use M-transfer in your site, contact us    and send your URL, we will give $5 to you. only for first 1000 sites.

Angry with returned and refund payments?                  

Angry Because your account is blocked without reason?

Come to M-Transfer.com. Here we value our members!

M-Transfer 明确说明支持Hyip和投资冲浪

We don\'t will block or suspend your account if you use it for Ponzi, Pyramid, Investments Programs. Our Term is: The money is for you, and you spent it as you want!
We will suspend any account that is found to be involved in any fraudulent or malicious activity and cheating.

纯粹一水贴 不是ad有意的朋友去注册个吧


wsj166 发表于 2008-4-21 21:19

find1way 发表于 2008-4-22 12:12

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 另外一个新网银M-Transfer支持HYIP