
admin 发表于 2008-4-12 14:58

MMG Rules and Procedures

:Q:Q MMG也得到了一个warning啊 因为今天发的那个站的帖子里我提到了自己的列表名字:Q:Q

把MMG Rules copy过来 我也认真学习下!!!! 以前从来不看rules:(  得反省下


MMG Rules and Procedures
Updated: February 21st, 2008

MMGis a great forum community where we all can share information on moneymaking opportunities, and make friends or new business associates atthe same time. Our intention is not to become an advertising forum;there are many other online resources for that purpose. Please followthese rules and guidelines to keep your forum organized and theinformation meaningful and relevant.


1.  Posting New Topics

No Double Posts:
Makesure you search the forum first to make sure you won't be making aduplicate thread. Do not double post the same thing in multiplesections. DO NOT open a new topic just because a program started a new"round" or happens to be in the “Inactive” section of the forum. If athread is inactive and needs to be moved to the current section, usethe REPORT button.

Use Correct Topic Format:
Whenannouncing a new program on the forum, please follow the proper formator your thread will be deleted without notice. The Title line has tohave the name of the program and then the url, nothing else. The 2ndline or sub-title should show payment processors, investment plan, andany other relevant info.
MoneyMakerGroup – www.moneymakergroup.com  (no ref link in title)
Ebullion, LibertyReserve, alertPay –  Forced 2x2 matrix
List Only ONE Program Per Thread:
Don’tstart a topic to list multiple programs, these would be impossible tokeep organized. Each program belongs in it’s own separate thread, makesure it hasn’t been posted previously. ALSO, Do not post multipleversions of the same URL on a subdomain, they belong in the sameprogram thread where the main URL is listed.

DO NOT Post…[*]Forum-basedprograms. All programs listed here must have their own website… blogsor egold links are NOT considered program websites.[*]Yourpersonal blog or website listing all your programs and/or referrallinks. You can post personal sites once in the Ads & Promo section.[*]A new thread that doesn’t explain the program or it’s details, and tells members to contact you for more information.[*]Adult hyip sites or any type of program with an “adult” theme.[*]Aprogram in pre-Launch unless there is an active website link formembers to sign-up. Do not post splash pages or capture pages that donot give any information on the program.2.  Referral Links, Signatures, Avatars & Hijacking

Referral Links:
Affiliateor Referral links are ONLY allowed in the program sections(Hyip/non-Hyip, Autosurf, GPT, MLM, and Cyclers). DO NOT post links inany other section of MMG! In the program sections, the link belongs inthe first post of the thread, by the person who started the topic. Thisalso applies if the program is announced by the program admin, whocannot post another members referral ID in his post.

Weno longer allow banners to be posted in your signature. You may post upto 500 characters of text, including a maximum of 3 URLs. The font mustbe size 3 or under. Do not use any form of signature advertisingservices, and do not allow other people to advertise in your signature.

Avatars can not have excessive flashingeffects, and must be in good taste. They cannot impersonate MMG adminor moderators or any other member. Determination of appropriateness isat the sole discretion of MMG Staff.

Donot "post hijack" by placing your referral link in any threads otherthan ones you have created. There are no "cashback offers" allowed inthe program threads, if you must make an offer it belongs in thebenefactor section.

DO NOT post asking people to contact you, click on your signature, join under you, or anything similar in the program threads.

TEAMdiscussion or downline updates do not belong in the program threads. Donot mention teams by name, compare various teams, or draw anyunnecessary attention to teams. This is considered hijacking sincethere usually are multiple teams working a program. MMG has a sectiondedicated to teambuilding.

3.  SPAM

Donot post spam on the forum or send spam via PM; you will be bannedwithout notice. Do not "bump" threads by making pointless posts just tobring a thread back to the top of the topic index. Short and repetitiveposts such as "looking", "I'm in", and “Where is admin” or anythingsimilar are considered spam and are unacceptable. These posts do notcontribute anything to the community and are a waste of space.

Donot offer to pay MMG members to post, and do not accept payment forposting. This encourages spam and useless posts, and is not acceptableon MMG. We feel this type of a "promotion" is dishonest and deceitful.Paid posters and the admin who hire them will be banned without notice.

Ifyou run a monitor site, do not post the payment status of variousprograms in any of the program threads! Do not post about your monitorservice in the program threads, and do not PM the admin about yourmonitor. This is all considered spam. If you would like to make anoffer to the program's admin, do not use MMG for this purpose. Pleasecontact the program's admin directly through "e-mail" or "support" ontheir site ONLY. Monitors may now each have one thread listed in ourmonitor section and this will be free of charge. You must keep allmonitoring discussion and updates in your own thread.

4.  Professional Conduct

Do not create multiple MMG accounts
Multipleaccounts are usually used to deceive members and this will not beallowed here. If you are found to own multiple accounts, they will allbe banned without notice.

Be courteous and professional
Therewill be no personal attacks, name-calling, racist remarks, fighting,making threats or using foul language! We have a diverse community herewith differing opinions and thoughts. Everyone is entitled to statetheir opinion, even if it is an opposing opinion, as long as the MMGrules are followed.

No Trolling
Stating your opinionand trolling are different things. If you are bringing a constant andnegative attitude to the forums by continually posting the samerepetitive information, we will consider it trolling. Do not spreadlies and rumors and if you believe something is a scam or someone isnot telling the truth then please post the proof to back up yourstatement. Determination of trolling is at the sole discretion of MMGStaff.

5.  Miscellaneous

Do not offer to buy or sell any investment type scripts on MMG, including scripts for hyips, autosurf, and doublers.

Currency Exchanging
Donot participate in any currency exchanges in any section of the forumor via PM. When you have been an MMG member for 90 days and have 250posts, you will gain access to the Member-to-Member exchange section ifyou have an upgraded "MMG Supporter" account.

Donot create posts or send a PM to people asking them for money oroffers, or asking to be benefactored into a program. Check thebenefactor section for offers made by our members.



Werealize that MMG is a large forum with thousands of topics. If you arelooking for a specific thread, you can click on the “Search” Link atthe very top of the forum. The search function allows you to input anumber of different variables to help aid you in finding a specificthread.

A more detailed tutorial can be found here: http://www.moneymakergroup.com/Perform-EFFECTIVE-Foru-t22928.html

MMG is organized to help you sort through different investment opportunities quickly and efficiently.

Programsare separated into several different categories based on thecharacteristics of the program. Our current categories include: HYIPs,Autosurfs, Investment Programs (non-hyip), “Referral, MLM & Networkmarketing,” Money Cyclers, and Other GPT (get paid to). If you arelooking for a certain type of program, it would be best that you startreading in the best category that fits your needs.

Pleaseunderstand that MMG is not a program monitor and has no way ofmonitoring which programs are paying and which are not. When making aninvestment decision, it is your responsibility to research andcollect as much information as possible about a program and then makeyour own decision.

If and when a staff member finds a programadministrator with multiple usernames, or someone who is hiring paidposters to try and mislead people, they will edit the first post of thethread and insert a red, bold, caution message with a description ofwhat the issue is. What you decide to do with this information ispurely up to you. This information can greatly aid your decisionmaking, so it is important that you check the first post of everythread.

Closed, Inactive & Offline Programs:
In each program category, you will find a sub-folder at the top that contains Closed, Inactive, and Offline Programs.

Closed programs are programs whose administrators have officially announced the end to their programs.

Inactive programs are programs whose thread on MMG has not had a single post for a period of 4+ weeks.

Offline programs are programs whose websites have been down for a minimum of 7 days.

If you feel a program is miscategorized, feel free to use the report button, and a staff member will take a look at the thread.

MMGlike any other large community will have some people, for whateverreason, that break the rules. Our goal is to make MMG as organized andfriendly as possible but with thousands of posts every day, it isdifficult for the staff to monitor every single post made. As such, thestaff relies on the eyes and ears of the members to help make surethings run smoothly and efficiently.

If you ever notice someoneviolating the rules, we would greatly appreciate if you would take afew extra seconds and report the problem to the staff. This communityis what you make out of it. While you aren’t required to help out, MMGwill be a better place if you do.

You do not need to worryabout being a “tattle tale.” A reporters’ confidentiality is alwaysprotected so MMG members have know way of knowing who reported them.

Please don't PM the individual staff members about a problem on the forum, just use the REPORT button.

How to report:
Making a report is simple an easy. All you need to do is:
1)        Click on the “Report” button at the bottom left hand corner of the offending post.
2)        Type up a short description on the problem
3)        Click the “Submit Report” button.
That’s it! You are done, and the staff will handle it from here.

Ifat any time you are given a warning for violating the rules, don’t makea big deal out of it. Warnings are used as a tool to help membersbecome more aware of our forum rules.

Only you and themoderating team can see your warning level, so it is not a “scarletmark.” If you don’t say anything about it, nobody will know. Yourwarning level will be reduced over time if you can show us that youunderstand the rules and do not break them for a 30-60 day period.

Ifthis time period has passed, and you feel your warning level should belowered, you may kindly send a PM to one of our staff members and theywill evaluate if it should be reduced or not.

ylghlo 发表于 2008-4-12 15:22


find1way 发表于 2008-4-12 16:43

TG MMG 各吃一个a ,有够郁闷的:)

轻寒 发表于 2008-4-12 17:35

MMG和TG 条文还真多

admin 发表于 2008-4-12 17:43

Original posted by find1way at 2008-4-12 16:43 http://naale.biz/images/common/back.gif
TG MMG 各吃一个a ,有够郁闷的:)

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