
admin 发表于 2008-4-8 12:26

You have been warned!!!!

Dear Naale,

You have been warned for one of your posts, which violated TalkgoldHYIP, Investment & Money Forum Rules. The reason you have beenwarned is because:

Not Acceptable Signature (according to TOS).  Please read rules at:  http://talkgold.com/forum/announcement.php?f=11
(Warning Type = Not Acceptable Signature)

For this violation, you have been given : 1 point(s).
The point(s) will remain in your account for 18 days.
After that, they will be removed automatically.

The post for which you are warned can be seen here:

                                                                                        Originally Posted by FxInterestAdmin
                                Dear All friends, as we promised the good news is here:

The insurance Policy is ready and all the investors will receive it tosign, then back to us. Also we will need some documents from you, butlet talk about it when the agreement is ready to send.

Who wants to withdraw their principal:

Need to email us: [email protected] after 7days, principal will be available for withdrawal in youraccount balance. In this period of 7days you may not earn any interests.

Who has withdrawal requests by paypal:

Please wait till it becomes regulated, it will be very soonhttp://www.talkgold.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.gif So please be patient.

Thank you all and please let us know if there is any problem.

Best Regards,

Fx-Interest Admin
Wow , good move, Admin.

Now Fx-Interest can insure the investments. http://www.talkgold.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

Is it convenient to reveal some details  ? http://www.talkgold.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gifhttp://www.talkgold.com/forum/images/smilies/ro_emote_no1.gif

The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:

URL hiding is not allowed.  Please use normal referral links only in your signature

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 1 point(s).

If you reach the maximum of 5, you will be banned from the Forums, for 30 days.

To see details about all the warnings you have received, until now, please click here.

Please reply back if you have a dispute.:Q:Q:Q

chela 发表于 2008-4-8 12:32

:L 现在签名也不可以放连接吗....

zjlhy2005 发表于 2008-4-8 12:32

我被警告过两次了:lol :lol :lol

轻寒 发表于 2008-4-8 12:34

Original posted by chela at 2008-4-8 12:32 http://www.naale.biz/images/common/back.gif
:L 现在签名也不可以放连接吗....

lyue5555 发表于 2008-4-8 12:39

我的三次呢,而且好长时间了还在。:L ,是因为签名里放了兑换站的链接。:L

find1way 发表于 2008-4-8 12:40

签名咋了   ?    我上次是超出行数了也被warned ?

[ Last edited by find1way at 2008-4-8 12:45 ]

admin 发表于 2008-4-8 12:50

TG Forum Rules - Please Read & Follow

Talkgold Rules. All offenders will be warned and in severe cases or reoccurring cases banned from this forum:

#1) Signature Rules:

a) - Signatures may be no longer than 5 lines in length, INCLUDING SPACES and BLANK LINES, with a maximum of 6 links

b) - Signatures may only be typed in the normal sized font (This issize 2. NO large fonts) or if you prefer the smaller No.1 size font.

c) - No banners ads or image ads are allowed to be included in yoursignatures, with the exception of smileys. If the use of smilies takesup more space than the permitted space for 5 lines then your signatureswill be amended/deleted. It`s up to members to use discretion if usingany smilies, (maximum of 2 allowed), so that they don`t cause heightproblems.

d) - Bold, italic and coloring fonts are allowed in the signature

e) - Signatures must be aligned to the left, not in the center

f) - There is NO referring to your signatures in your posts. Do NOT ask other members to `see my signature`

g) - Signatures may NOT contain anything to do with exchanges whatsoever

h) - Nothing connected with scripts are to be shown in signatures

i) - Signature must not contain any personal attacks on other members

#2) No advertising in our forum folders is allowed with exception of our "Advertising Folder"

#3) No Personal Attacks to another individual will be toleratedanywhere but the WarZone Folder. If things get too out of hand in thewar zone, moderators reserve the right to remove or edit posts.

#4) No Spamming ads via PMs will be tolerated.

#5) No offensive language will be allowed.

#6) Referral links are ONLY allowed within posts in the Advertisingforum, nowhere else. Referral links may, however, be used insignatures, anywhere.

#7) Talkgold.com does NOT permit ANY Script sales on this forum. Anymember attempting to sell scripts may be warned, and the thread will beremoved. We believe this will serve to further protect our membersagainst scammers. Also, this will help Talkgold and it's members abideby the copyright laws protecting the script developers. Also, `scripts`are NOT allowed in any signatures.

#8) Members are not to use more than ONE username. Any member found tobe using more than one username will be subject to being banned fromthe forum.

Multiple accounts from the same IP address or a close IP range MAY beconsidered multiple IDs unless there is a clear indication in theprofile that they belong to the members of the same family or a company

#9) 25 posts are required before members are permitted to use the PMfacility. 50 posts and 50 days membership are required before membersare allowed to start threads in our Debit Card folder. Use of a proxyis not allowed in the Debit Card folder. We take a dim view of anymember who is suspected of `post building.` By that we mean that postssuch as `only 10 to go,` or `I agree,` or `good idea` don`t contributeanything to the board.

#10) Members must not ask for, or offer, exchanges in any of our folders, but may do so (without spamming), via PM.

#11) NO TROLLING - mischievously manufacturing inflammatory opinions inan attempt to stir up disharmony and discord. No posting up a stream ofoff-topic drivel or being clumsily provocative.

#12) We do NOT permit the use of redirect URLs, such as tinyurl, or anyother, in either posts, or in signatures. Links must be directed to thereal site.

#13) Banners and images which form a part of advertising (with orwithout ref links), are not allowed in posts ANYWHERE in the forum

WARNING POINTS remain `live` for certain periods of time. Here, for example, are some warnings, and how long they last for:-

Not Acceptable Signature  -  0ne point, live for 18 days.

Trolling - One point, live for 60 days.

Using referral links where not allowed - Two points, live for 125 days.

If 5 `live` warning points accrue then an automatic ban for 30 days will come into force.

Moderators also have an option to immediately ban members for periods of 2 days, up to 30 days if circumstances dictate.

If we think that any member is posting so as to build up his post countthey will be subject to either a warning, or in more serious cases, animmediate ban.

Please check rules often for updates. Some folders have their own additional rules, so please check first prior to posting.


大家应该能看懂  晚点有时间了我来系统的翻译下吧


允许放连接 但是不可以隐藏连接 比如我用的连接是(http://lnk.bz/Htb) 不允许放BANNER 不允许放攻击他人的文字

签名文字可以粗体可以彩色但是必须靠左不能居中 字体大小不能超过2号

最多5行(包括间隔和空行)不能放超过6个连接 签名不可以放兑换站或者程序的连接



我被警告的原因是我签名的下线连接是隐藏了的。。。。。 但是他们的rules没有这1条......:L

ylghlo 发表于 2008-4-8 12:54


chela 发表于 2008-4-8 12:59


admin 发表于 2008-4-8 13:02

Original posted by chela at 2008-4-8 12:59 http://naale.biz/images/common/back.gif


比如你点http://lnk.bz/Htb  看看能访问到哪儿去...

find1way 发表于 2008-4-8 13:11

怪不得,上面写了不能放 URL转发链接

#12)We do NOT permit the use of redirect URLs

adh5969 发表于 2008-4-8 13:58

Original posted by admin at 2008-4-8 13:02 http://www.naale.biz/images/common/back.gif


比如你点http://lnk.bz/Htb  看看能访问到哪儿去...

how to do that?teach me!!:call:

chela 发表于 2008-4-8 14:03


wo不再胡来L 发表于 2008-4-8 15:10

Original posted by admin at 2008-4-8 13:02 http://naale.biz/images/common/back.gif


比如你点http://lnk.bz/Htb  看看能访问到哪儿去...



tlpm2003a 发表于 2008-4-8 17:15


admin 发表于 2008-4-9 06:13

Original posted by find1way at 2008-4-8 13:11 http://naale.biz/images/common/back.gif
怪不得,上面写了不能放 URL转发链接

#12)We do NOT permit the use of redirect URLs



我没往下看啊 我以为signature rules 只是到这条就没了呢  

i) - Signature must not contain any personal attacks on other members


admin 发表于 2008-6-21 11:07

被BAN了 写信问了TG站长 人家的答复

We have a rule about no multiple accounts.  It looks like you have had
several accounts at talkgold over your lifetime.


我在TG只有那么1个ID 郁闷

admin 发表于 2008-6-24 09:38

我.............. 解封了不让我跟帖 才跟个帖又被Warn了

Dear Naale,

You have been warned for one of your posts, which violated TalkgoldHYIP, Investment & Money Forum Rules. The reason you have beenwarned is because:

Post about topics we do not allow
(Warning Type = Incorrect Posting)

For this violation, you have been given : 1 point(s).
The point(s) will remain in your account for 125 days.
After that, they will be removed automatically.

The post for which you are warned can be seen here:

4/5 payment received today :

Date: 6/23/2008 16:14
Batch: 3657737
From Account: U8570098
Amount: $6.25
Memo: payout from Summer Fund 4/5

The admin/moderator who warned you, entered this comment:

Read before you post.  No paid posts without a screenshot

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 3 point(s).

If you reach the maximum of 5, you will be banned from the Forums, for 30 days.

To see details about all the warnings you have received, until now, please click here.

Please reply back if you have a dispute.

admin 发表于 2008-10-27 12:22

Private Message: A Warning you have received has matured and was removed

Dear Naale,

A warning you have received for violating Talkgold HYIP, Investment& Money Forum Rules has been removed by the Forums team. Theremoved warning concerned:

Post about topics we do not allow
(Warning Type = Incorrect Posting)

The post for which you were warned, and whose warning has now been removed,  can be seen here:

Warned Post

With this warning being removed, 1 point(s) have been removed from your total.

Your total Warning Level at the moment is: 2 point(s).

Please reply back if you have a dispute.


左岸 发表于 2008-10-27 12:39

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