
find1way 发表于 2008-4-4 16:38

HYIP 十条纪律(转)

黄金俱乐部:全球高收益投资网赚社区 h]9f
j{MY1pa1. Plan Long-Term: Never ever dream or plan to get rich within a veryshort period of time, get rich quick schemes just dont work. The goodHYIP investment programs will pay consistently and reliabily, i willnot give any examples, because that is your job to find them out. irecommend being in programs for atleast 6 months- 1 year, that way youcan make consistent profits, if you try short term hyips, you will bestressed out and possibily loose all your funds.

2. Get Ready to Loose: “prepare for the worst, hope for the best”Losses will occur every once in a while It is a fact of life. If youare prepared, you won’t be caught when you are weak, and it will onlyserve as a learning curve, a greator vigilance to these things, andserve to make you stronger, you can learn a lot of things from otherpeople, but learning from mistakes i believe is the most effective way.There are many ways to fail, and each loss represents less ways left tolearn from.

3. Don’t Quit!: Winners dont quit. Read and study all that isavailable, if this means reading every forum and blog word for wordthen so be it. knowledge is power, and if you fail you will learn newways, make many plans and attack them, find weaknesses in these plans,you will not loose the next time because you cant. However if you quitthen you will never know what would have happened and you may regretthat choice.

4. Diversify Your Investment: This is extremely important, Never putall your eggs into one basket. you should invest in as many programsyou feel are legal and not a scam. i find this quite difficult andthere is only a handful of legit programs out there. I would aim tohave around 5 good programs to invest in, if one program was to scam orhave majour losses, you will still have the other 4, however if youjust invested in one, then youve lost everything. Try to spread yourfunds evenly as you can, there is no point in having a small amount ina program and most in one. place slightly more in programs where youfeel more comfortable in, and slightly less in those your notcompletely sure about.

5. Get back your principal: This is optional, you may get part of youinitial amount back as soon as possible or at a certain time, a lot ofprograms have time lock periods where your initial is locked. i usuallylet my entire amount compound during the lock period if i trust theprogram, and withdraw when it is unlocked, this period is about6-12months usually. I occasionally take out lump sums to add to myreserves without damaging my interest too much. compounding isEXTREMELY powerful and can turn your money into much larger amounts,strategies can be developed to deal with this, for example, 3 monthsallow to compound, withdrawl 3 months interest and then allow tocompound 3 months, etc.. or withdrawl every other month. you shouldajust this to your targets, but dont get greedy! you will end uplearning a valuable lesson when you loose!

6. Protect your accounts: There are many hackers out there and it isincreasingly dangerous just surfind some shifty sites are using somesoftware, you should have anti-virus scanners and firewalls, and checkregularly. Passwords and usernames should be hard to guess, and alldifferent. For me, i use a 512mb USB drive where i store all mypasswords, and accounts for everything. however if anyone found thisthey will not get anywhere. because the entire drive is encrypted with2 X 256bit algorithm, Twofish and AES, as far as i know this cannot bebroken. i keep backups in the safe incase i loose it or break it.

7. Research, Research And more Research: Well it depends how much youare investing, therefore determining how much time you spend trackingthem down etc. some things like managed accounts confirm that theycannot scam you, but they can also be amatueur traders etc.. I adviceyou do a domain whois, call them, pull up records, police and finance.check if they supply correct info. Check trading history,qualifications, age, sex, profile, and experience, Are they telling thetruth! Dont just check them out, check out their family, usually whenyou cant find their family, they dont exist by that name. track theirfriends address, get pictures etc. for example i would do all of thisif i was to invest $250,000 into ITS for example. Keep all sensitiveinfo to yourself, if worst comes to worst you may be able to recoveryour money, or bring them to justice if they were fradulent.

8. Be Very Skeptical: Usually if its too good to be true it is, do someresearch! Any program that pays more than 15% monthly, should be dealtwith very carefully. Remember there are lots and lots of scammers outthere so you need to be very skeptical of any program younger then 6-12months. Never join any unoriginal scripts and ones who have Refcommisions. Ideally a good program would. pay 5-10% monthly, beprivate, (invite only), have unique script, not have any referalcommision, and not advertise itself heavily, it would also provideproof of trading and names/addresses of principals and be a registeredcompany, (this by itself is meaningless). Contact telephone should workalso.

9. Watch Out for Red Flags: There are many things to look out for, forexample, a ponzi wants more and more members, if it seems to makeoffers and bonuses and refferal competitions, then it is surely aponzi, and a scam. if you believe traders are not trading good, ieincreasing risk to get themselves out of a negative result, or notsupplying truthful information. Any research that proves any bit ofevidence to suggest it is not legal as you thought or links to otherorganisations known to scam.

10. Avoid Greed: The worst of all deceptions is self-deception, as SunTzu put it best, “The wise general cannot be manipulated” To avoidbeing deceived, we need to be continually improving our individual andcorporate strengths and weaknesses. The issues to be addressed in thisregard include; our emotions — ego, hope, fear, and, greed. I have seenmany people defeat themselves, by the weakness in their own mind and ican see their flaws. i cannot tell you how to fix this, i can only tellyou that you must.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the resultof a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for everyvictory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither theenemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” You may know theprogram, but do you know yourself, you lie and trick yourself intobelieving their lies, you yourself will come up for a perfectexplination to how they make their money if you want to. if you masteryourself you will be able to defend from this.

[ Last edited by find1way at 2008-4-4 16:49 ]

chela 发表于 2008-4-4 16:43

Reply 1# find1way's post

Can i have a chinese version please~~:lol :lol :lol

find1way 发表于 2008-4-4 16:51


mew827 发表于 2008-4-4 17:05

But not all rules can be apply everytime invest in hyip:time: :time:

Luckystar 发表于 2008-4-4 17:29

adh5969 发表于 2008-4-4 17:35

not understand...translate
who can translate:'( :'(

tlpm2003a 发表于 2008-4-4 18:07


wo不再胡来L 发表于 2008-4-4 19:00

1 。规划长远:永远的梦想,或计划先富起来,一veryshort一段时间内,赚快钱计划,只是不用工作。该goodhyip投资方案,将支付一贯和 reliabily ,我willnot给予任何例子,因为这是你的工作,以找出这些数字。 irecommend在节目atleast 6个月到一年,这样youcan作出一致的利润,如果你想在短期内hyips ,你会bestressed出来possibily松散,您所有的资金。

2 。准备松散: "做好最坏的打算,希望争取最好的"损失,将出现的每一次的,而这是一个活生生的事实。如果youare准备,你就不会陷入当你是弱者,这将成为 onlyserve作为一个学习曲线, greator提高警惕,以这些东西, andserve为了让您更坚强,你可以学到很多东西,从otherpeople ,但学习错误,我认为是最有效的way.there很多途径失败,每一损失不足的方式离开tolearn 。

3 。不戒烟!:得奖者不用退出市场。阅读和研究都认为isavailable ,如果这意味着读每一个论坛和博客一词为wordthen所以就是它了。知识就是力量,如果你不你将学到newways ,使许多计划和攻击,从而找出弱点,在这些计划中,你将不会松动,下一次,因为你斜面。不过,如果你quitthen你将永远不知道又会出现什么局面,你可以regretthat选择。

4 。多样化你的投资:这是非常重要的是,从来没有putall鸡蛋到一个篮子里。你应该投资在许多programsyou觉得是法律而不是一个骗局。我觉得这是相当困难的andthere是,只有极少数合法的程序有问题。我的目标tohave约五好节目,以投资,如果一个程序是骗局orhave出主要损失的,你仍然可以有其他4 ,但如果youjust投资,那么youve失去了一切。尝试蔓延yourfunds均匀,因为你可以,没有一点有少量冰核计划,并在最一。地方略多,在节目那里youfeel更舒适,并略少,在那些你notcompletely不清楚了。

5 。回到你的主要:这是可选的,你可以得到部分youinitial金额尽可能快的归队,或在某一个时间,有很多ofprograms有时间锁时期你的最初是锁上。 i usuallylet我的全部金额化合物,在锁定期内,如果我的信任theprogram ,并撤销时,它是没有上锁,这一时期是about6 - 12个月通常。 i偶尔拿出一笔款项,以放入myreserves而不损害我的利益太多。复合isextremely强大,可以把你的钱变成大得多的数额,战略,可以开发出对付这一点,举例来说, 3 monthsallow向复合,撤销3个月的利息,然后让tocompound三个月等。或撤消每隔一个月。你shouldajust这份表格给你的指标,而且不用让贪婪!你将为此uplearning了宝贵的一课,当你松散!

6 。保护您的户口:有许多黑客的存在,并且它isincreasingly危险刚刚surfind一些缩骨用地使用somesoftware ,你应该有反病毒扫描器和防火墙,并checkregularly 。使用者名称和密码,应该不难猜想,并alldifferent 。对我来说,我用一个512MB的USB驱动器,我店所有mypasswords ,占一切。不过,如果有人发现thisthey将不会取得任何进展。因为整个硬盘加密with2 x 256bit算法, Twofish和AES公司,据我所知,这不能bebroken 。我不断的备份,在安全incase i松脱或破裂。

7 。研究,研究和更深入的研究:这要看有多少youare投资,因此确定了多少时间,花trackingthem下降等一些东西,像托管帐户证实 theycannot骗局你,但也可以被amatueur贸易商等。 i adviceyou做域名WHOIS查询,呼叫他们,拉起记录,警察和finance.check如果他们供应的正确信息。检查营运历史,资历,年龄,性别,概况,基本经验,他们告诉thetruth !不用只检查出来,检查出自己的家庭,通常whenyou斜面找到自己的家人,他们不用单独存在,这名字。田径theirfriends地址,得到的照片等,例如我将尽一切的thisif我是投资$ 250000到它为榜样。保留所有sensitiveinfo你,大不了换个地方,你可能可以recoveryour钱,或把他们绳之以法,如果他们 fradulent 。

8 。很怀疑:通常,如果它过于异想天开,它是做someresearch !任何程序都自付15 %以上,每月应dealtwith非常小心。切记,有许许多多的骗子outthere所以你必须非常怀疑的任何程序,然后年轻6 12个月。从未参加任何unoriginal脚本和那些有refcommisions 。最好是一个很好的计划,将对。付5-10 %每月, beprivate , (邀请) ,有独特的脚本,不会有任何referalcommision ,而不是宣传自己,大力宣传,它也provideproof营运及名称/地址的校长,做一个registeredcompany ,(这本身是没有意义的) 。联系电话应workalso 。

9 。观赏为红旗:有很多事情看出来, forexample , ponzi希望越来越多的议员,如果它似乎makeoffers和奖金,并refferal比赛,那么肯定是aponzi ,和一个骗局。如果你相信贸易商不在交易好, ieincreasing风险,以获得自己的负面结果,或notsupplying真实的信息。任何研究证明有一丝一毫ofevidence建议是不合法的,因为你思想或链接otherorganisations众所周知的骗局。

10 。避免贪婪:最坏的所有骗案,是自欺欺人,因为suntzu把它最好的, "智者一般不能被操纵" ,以avoidbeing欺骗了,我们需要不断地加以改善我们的个别andcorporate的长处和短处。有待解决的问题在thisregard包括我们的情感-自我,希望,恐惧,并贪婪。我seenmany人民战胜自己,由弱点在自己的心态和网络'看到自己的缺点。我不能告诉你如何修正这一问题,我只能tellyou你必须这样做。
"如果你知道敌人,了解自己,你不用担心resultof百战役。如果你知道你自己,而不是敌人,为everyvictory上涨,你同样会遭受失败。如果你知道既不theenemy甚至你,你会就范,在每一个战役, "你可能也知道theprogram ,但你知不知道你,你说假话,诱骗自己intobelieving他们的谎言,你又来了,一个perfectexplination向他们如何赚钱如果你想要的。如果你masteryourself你将能够捍卫也在于此。

find1way 发表于 2008-4-4 21:35

1. 计划好长期计划  


这是极为重要的,绝不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。你应该投资尽量多的你感觉是合法不是骗人的项目,我发现这很难做到,再众多的项目中只有极少数是正规合法的。 我的目标是找到5个好项目投资进去,如果其中的一个是个骗子或者大部分损失了,你依然有其它4个在盈利。如果你只是投资一个项目,那如果是骗子的话你就损失了你的一切。尽你所能的分散你的资金,在一个项目里投资所有的资金或只投资很小的资金都是不可取的。你感觉好点的站就适当多投些,感觉不很确定的站你就少投些。

这是可选项,你应该尽早或在某个恰当的时间取回你的部分本金。很多项目对初始本金都有个锁定期,我通常的做法是在锁定期全部资金都用来复利,当然是要我信的过的。解锁以后我就把它取出来,锁定期一般是6到12个月。有时候我会在不对利息造成大的损失的情况下取出部分利息。复利是一个非常有效的方法使你的资金在几个月内迅速增长。复利的策略可以用一个例子来说明,比如 3个月全复利,然后取出3个月的利息,剩下的再复利。。。或者每个月取一次,你应该根据你的目标适时调整你的策略,但是不要太贪!否则你会在损失的时候学会很有价值的一课:)



天上如果掉馅饼的话,吃之前做些调查看是否有毒,任何项目如果每月利息高于15%,请谨慎对待。请记住HYIP里有无数的骗子,所以你必须非常的小心,对任何一个运行时间少于6-12个月的项目,都必须保持高度警惕,不要加入那些不是原始脚本并且带有推荐佣金的项目。理想的项目是每月利息在5%-10%,私有的(内部推荐),独特的脚本,没有推荐佣金,并且广告并不是很多,还有他们会提供交易证明和代理人的名字、地址 还有就是它是一个已注册的公司。联系电话也应该是正常的。


最大的欺骗是自己骗自己。Sun Tzu 说的最好,“有智慧的将军不会被利用”(不知是那句名句,翻译不来),要避免被欺骗,我们需要不断的提高自己,在力量于软弱直接搞好平衡。这里面包含的东东有:情绪、自我、希望、恐惧 和贪婪,我已经看见过无数的人在于自己争斗。我可以通过他们的软弱看到他们的缺点。我不能告诉你如何去克服这些,我只能告诉你你必须克服人性的弱点,这样你才能从HYIP还有你的人生中得到收益。

[ Last edited by find1way at 2008-4-4 21:37 ]

find1way 发表于 2008-4-4 21:42

其中的有些标准并不适用于如今的HYIP,如果都按这个标准,那目前所做的HYIP都不能参加了:) 但是还是有很多值得学习的地方,希望大家从中学习到一些东西,减少损失,增加收益,这些原则还是很不错的。

mew827 发表于 2008-4-4 21:43

Original posted by find1way at 2008-4-4 21:35 http://naale.biz/images/common/back.gif
1. 计划好长期计划  
不要幻想一夜暴富,快速致富的计划一般是行不通的,好的HYIP投资项目会稳定的支付,我不会给出一个例子,因为找出好项目是你要 ...


chela 发表于 2008-4-4 21:54

Reply 9# find1way's post

代大家感谢你了!!/strong /strong /strong

find1way 发表于 2008-4-4 21:56

:) 对大家有用就好,累死我了

lyue5555 发表于 2008-4-4 22:16

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