
admin 发表于 2009-6-9 19:07


From Major Scott J. Wright
Dear Sir,
I am Major.scott J.wright, an American soldier in peace keeping force inIraq, I am serving in the military of the 1st Armoured Division in Iraq, asyou know insurgents everyday and car bombs are attacking us.
We managed to move funds belonging to Saddam Hussein's family inthe tune of USD$ 45 Million Dollars in cash. We want to move this money toyou, so that you may keep our share for us till when we will come over tomeet you.
You are to take 40% of the total 45 Million Dollars and keep 60%for me and my partners. Please No strings attached, we plan on usingdiplomatic courier and shipping the money out of Iraq in three large silverboxes using diplomatic immunity.
The boxes can be shipped out in 48hrs,so If you are interestedkindly send me an e-mail signifying your interest including your mostconfidential telephone numbers for quick communication, then we can send toyou the shipment details and the fright number and labels.
major.scott J.wright.

Gmail收到的垃圾邮件 呵呵 有点意思 几乎每天都能收到这样的信

我是XXX,是一名美国士兵在伊拉克执行维和任务 ... 萨达姆家族有4.5亿美金 想转移出去 你得40% 剩下60%留给他和他的伙伴:lol

太牛叉了 记得最初接触网赚收到的一个邮件是个女的,说自己身世显赫,老爸因被生意伙伴陷害而入狱,有N百万资产现在需要转移到国外...

还附带了个照片 黑女人 像是印尼那边的 长的还算可以  ;P

晕啊 这样的人别有用心的发这样的邮件 具体目的是干啥的?

真会有人联系他? 然后会说需要什么手续啦 让你先给寄点钱过来 云云?

find1way 发表于 2009-6-9 20:21


miriam 发表于 2009-6-9 20:54


lyue5555 发表于 2009-6-9 21:09

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